What Role Does A QR Code Play In The Fight Against The Sale Of Counterfeit Goods?

The problem of imitation is a concern that many tiny and established firms are battling hard to address. With Amazon as one of the platforms getting imitation listings, it strengthens its fight against the sale of counterfeit goods online by removing 10 billion item listings on its platform today.

While it is an excellent move for Amazon, many businesses are desperate to find new strategies to reduce the sale of counterfeit goods both physically and online, as they lose billions of dollars in income.

With so many digital resources to explore, most of these companies seek a better way to incorporate technology into their goods without adding to their development and manufacturing expenses.

The QR code technology emerges as the most satisfactory solution for small and established firms to utilize to verify the goods they create and sell after merging digital applications.

Because an advanced QR code generator is now available online, brands and other businesses may better combat product counterfeiting and assist shoppers in distinguishing the real from the fake.

Methods For Using QR Codes To Restrict The Sale Of Counterfeit Goods

The arguments for not using QR codes are addressed, as the technology has advanced rapidly in terms of functionality and devices used to scan them during the last few years.

Here are three realistic ways QR codes can assist brands and businesses in combating the sale of counterfeit goods presently.

Including the password protection functionality in the mix

Because digital authentication files can be easily duplicated and downloaded by scanning the QR code on the item, the problem of having one verification credential for hundreds of goods arises.

As a result, many businesses search for innovative ways to double-secure their products while including QR codes. Fortunately, a new dynamic QR code feature called a password-protected QR code has been developed. Scanners must first obtain the code’s passcode before accessing the information it contains.

Only buyers purchasing from a trusted reseller store will have access to the digital verification file, ensuring the item’s authenticity.

NFT Authentication Portal for Digital Products

Many luxury businesses and periodicals are now integrating new digital offers, such as NFTs, to ensure the legitimacy of their products since the metaverse is already establishing its grounds on the internet.

In its September 2021 issue, the fashion magazine Vogue Singapore has included the use of NFTs in its magazine covers. It relies on the usage of NFTs as confirmation of the magazine’s validity to maximize its clients’ copy validity.

Vogue Singapore included a QR code in the print magazine to allow owners to browse some of the issue’s fashion magazines memorabilia, allowing customers to be enthralled by the distinctive cover they designed.

Make use of them as a product mobility tracker

Brands and businesses can utilize QR codes as a portal for following a product’s transit action from production to the retail location to determine whether it came from the correct supplier. Companies can use a QR code generator with logo software to create a QR code that blends well in their packaging design and add a call to action to instruct the customers on what to anticipate when scanning. 

They can also prompt consumers to scan the QR code and follow the item’s transit history to determine whether it is legitimate or an imitation. If the item appears to be moving in the wrong direction, contact the company’s helpline to discover if the goods are authentic and report if it is a fake.


As the technology for copying files and products grows and increases in quality, brands and businesses that sell high-quality goods become more susceptible to counterfeiting.

As a result of this alarming issue, several brands and organizations have begun to use product authentication protocols to safeguard their consumers’ safety and security when acquiring one. Thanks to incorporating QR codes into their verification system, storing and deciphering vital data is now more superficial and visible to customers.