What Western Countries Could Learn From Asia’s Casino Market

The Asian casino market is expanding rapidly, with the entire Indonesian region streamlining and expanding its casino markets. 

The US, however, has made progress over the years, but it has been too slow and is dragging out in recent years. What can be done to speed up the process, and what improvements could translate well across the ocean? Some of the best practices and suggestions are below.

1. Malaysia situation

On the surface and to an untrained eye, Malaysia would seem anti-casino. But it’s estimated that the country made over $9 billion from online games. There is only one legal land casino in this predominantly Muslim country, the Genting Highlands Resort, so how does Malaysia do it, and what can the US learn? 

For one thing, online casino gaming is incredibly strong and user-friendly in Malaysia. Expert Bintang Tiong has put together a great starting Malaysia casino guide for new players since the number of online casinos can overwhelm newcomers. The market caters to tech-savvy and new players alike. The rise of mobile and crypto casino gaming is driving the industry, where mobile apps are light, interactive, and easy to use, and cryptocurrency is on the rise as a means of casino payment.

Implementing crypto gambling alongside mobile casinos and shifting the focus online shows that Malaysia is thinking about the future while also updating its gambling laws. The US casinos could also benefit by implementing online and mobile options, seeing as nearly 97% of its 330 million people have mobile phones.

2. Macao model

The US legal landscape varies, and each state can adjust the laws to their liking. Because of this, gambling can be legal in all its forms in one state, somewhat restricted in the other, and completely banned in the neighboring state. Without a doubt, the US could benefit if all states had fully legalized all forms of gambling via a unifying law, but such a future is unlikely to happen, the US can adopt some form of China Macau example.

Macao is a special administrative region of China where gambling is allowed in opposition to a nationwide ban in China. Predictions are nothing without data to back them up. The entire continent of Asia is the largest market in the world for gambling, as it generates about $80 billion per year, which is roughly half of the global amount. Macao alone has generated a staggering $23 billion during 2020-2022, and it’s showing strong potential to grow even further.

Dubbed the Las Vegas of Asia, Macau shows that a region dedicated to gambling can be profitable for the entire state and beneficial to the players, both local and international. The only parallel that we can draw to the US is with its Indian reserves, which have preferred casino status with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. By potentially expanding from that act, the US could benefit greatly. Having dedicated gambling resorts in Texas, for example, could be the future of casinos in the US. Concentrating casinos on a certain area or state gives local and international players a clear market to look forward to. It’s also easier to regulate, as a concentrated market is practical to control and manage.

3. Gambling culture

Throughout the world and each nation’s history, gambling has been a part of many cultures, and the effects are visible today. Gambling and associated themes like luck and fortune dominate the Asian exterior and interior casino design. Here, we can see fundamental differences between the East and West, as most Asian casinos wholeheartedly embrace their rich tradition. Feng shui in Asian casino design is commonplace, and their interior spaces are wide and open, allowing energies to circulate and flow.

Passages and archways decorate the area, water symbols thrive in fountains, and red and gold are predominant colors. Throughout Asia numbers two, six, and eight are considered lucky numbers, so their motives are also present in interior design. In stark contrast, their outside appearance is usually very modern, but it’s inside what counts, and Asia does not stay away from its heritage. The variety of designs and games is also present in Asian casinos. Central and South Asian casinos will see a mix of East and West games, catering to the visiting demographic.

Towards Vietnam and Cambodia, we see a predominantly Eastern attitude. Asian casinos harbor a more relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, allowing smoking and casual attire. By contrast to all the above, western casinos are luxury, lavish, and excessive in design. They are jam-packed with slot machines, tables, and games, where filling up the space is a priority. The food table features expensive meals, and additional features like a movie theater and swimming pools are mundane. By focusing on embracing the gambling culture from its rich mixing background, as the US is the melting pot of civilizations, and streamlining their casinos towards a more user-focused and culturally rich experience, US casinos could attract more visitors.

4. Employee and player relationship

In Japan, companies aim to attract and keep the best workers. Investing in employee performance is key to building a long-lasting relationship and keeping the best talent. Likewise, Japanese companies respect their customers and go out of their way to make them happy and satisfy their needs. By making the employees happy and maximizing customer satisfaction, US casinos can improve their public image, build a strong player base, and harbor long-lasting relationships by creating dedicated and valued players. 

Countries and their businesses can learn a lot from each other when they exchange practices and experiences. While not everything that works in one country is guaranteed to work in another, the general principles and methods can be extrapolated and implemented. Carefully observing the success of Asian casinos could replicate the results, especially in a promising market like the US. Time will tell what practice will transfer over, but each attempt is a step in the right direction!