Unsightly Turkey Neck? Neck Lift Surgery Can Help!

As you grow older your body changes, and it’s usually not in a way that you would prefer. You look in the mirror one day and feel that it’s a stranger looking back, and ask yourself how did this happen? It happens to everybody, unfortunately. These negative changes are plainly visible on your skin, where wrinkles, discolouration, and sagging regularly occur. 

One of the areas that causes a lot of trouble as you age is your neck. Excess skin and fat gathers there where it droops, creating an unsightly condition, the dreaded “turkey neck”! At one time there wasn’t much that could be done, but luckily modern medical science has discovered ways to reverse much of the ageing body’s mischief, including turkey necks! You can now receive neck lift surgery in Sydney that will eliminate excess fat and sagging skin on your neck, giving it a more youthful and contoured appearance.

Neck lift surgery is also called platysmaplasty because the procedure involves lifting and tightening your platysma muscle, a thin muscle sheet that reaches from your collarbones to your lower face. The platysma muscle’s job is to enable your lower face to move. When your platysma grows weaker it can have a negative effect on the appearance of your neck. If you have skin changes related to ageing or weight loss this surgery can help restore your more youthful appearance.

Here are some of the positive aspects of undergoing a neck lift surgery:

  • A speedy recovery time when compared to other types of cosmetic surgeries. Neck lifts heal quickly.
  • There is very little scarring resulting from the procedure, your surgeon will be able to hide the incisions beneath your jawline so it will be difficult for anyone to see that you’ve undergone cosmetic surgery.
  • The neck lift procedure enables improved jaw contouring as the skin is wrapped back around the jawbone’s underside, preventing your jowls from drooping.
  • Sagging skin is removed to reveal a taut, young-looking neck that stretches gracefully down to the collarbone.
  • The wrinkles that happen when the neck is turned are greatly reduced after a neck lift so you look healthier and younger.

Let’s now take a look at what you can expect during a platysmaplasty procedure:

  • First, you will be given some medication that will help keep you comfortable during the surgery. You will be administered a general anaesthetic that will put you to sleep and block any sensations while the surgeon works. You might also be given intravenous sedation via a needle placed in a vein in your arm.
  • Next, your surgeon will make an incision around your ear near your sideburn and another under your chin. 
  • This will be followed by the removal of fat. The tissue under your neck will be repositioned and the platysma muscle will be tightened. Excess skin will be trimmed away as well.
  • To finish up the procedure stitches or special skin adhesives will be used to close up the incision.

Neck lifts are usually an outpatient procedure so you can go home soon afterwards, and you should be fully recovered in a few weeks.