Popular Carport Designs in Australia

Due to the year-long sunshine in Australia and, as so many regions have little wind or rain to cause damage, carports are very often preferred to garages outside homes. Even individuals with some garage space like to have carports to keep additional or guest vehicles outside. However, there are certain carports which have found higher levels of popularity than others, and these are the top 4 designs which Australians are choosing right now.

Gable Carport

The gable or ‘pitched roof’ carport is a basic and affordable option which consists of a roof that slopes on both sides and more often than not also features side panels below the roof. In most cases the gable carport is not connected to the property, although it is usually built quite close and can certainly appear to be an extension of the main building. The gable roof is currently one of the nation’s most preferred options.

Skillion Carport 

Often used by those who have properties within heritage areas, the skillion carport features a flat roof and a basic structural design. Due to the flat roof design of this particular carport it is able to be easily connected to another building. Not only that but the design also allows for an easy seamless design connection between the other building, regardless of the design of the adjoining structure. These carports are also low cost and can be easily installed on the property.

Hip Roof Carport

The hip roof carport is another common option, and is usually found within Brisbane and Sydney, not to mention in some of the wealthier spots around Victoria. This port usually features 4 or 6 supporting pillars which hold up a roof that has 4 sloping sides. Not only does this carport offer great stability, but the sleek design of the roof also offers a unique look and it helps to easily blend in with the rest of the property.

Dutch Gable Carport

Any homes which have a pitched roof should look to the dutch gable carport, a truly beautiful and sleek option for a property. With a similar design to the hip roof carport, this carport usually has 4 pillars to hold up the roof. Due to this design these carports can also be seamlessly attached to the existing property. Finally, the Dutch carport can also act as the perfect run-through of the front and back gardens, running down the side of the property to connect both areas of land.

We are seeing a big surge at the moment in custom carports, which are moving away from some of the more traditional options mentioned in this list. Ultimately the choice as to which carport style is best, will come down to the design of the existing property, the amount which the homeowner is willing to spend, and the size of the space which they need for car storage. While these are some of the most common choices at the moment, there are also a large amount of other options available and be sure to do your research before deciding.