The Mobile Option – Movies and Games on the Go

The ability to watch movies and play games on a smartphone has opened up the options for enjoying these forms of media dramatically. Now, they can be a part of a long journey or a convenient way to pass time at any time in the day. However, is it something that only brings positives? Is anything lost by opting to engage with these mediums solely through a mobile device?

The answer is subjective, and it’s important to understand that both positives and negatives are present – understanding what the negatives are can simply help you to understand how to better enjoy or frame the positives.

Movies – A Time and a Place

There is something of a debate in the world of movies as to the pros and cons of watching movies on your phone. Obviously, it’s easier to do now than ever before and that makes it something that is deeply convenient for people who want to watch movies on the go, using it as a way to pass time during activities like travel.

If you like watching movies, and that’s a situation that you find yourself in a lot, then there’s not really any reason you shouldn’t watch movies in that capacity, but it is worth understanding how the smaller screen can impact the experience. Cinematography, framing and visual design are such important elements of filmmaking that reducing your ability to see these things can obscure some key artistic decisions.

The World of Mobile Gaming

Unlike movies, mobile gaming is a whole world of its own. There is a whole landscape of exclusive games, from mobile-only RPGs and spin-offs to long-established franchises and games you might find through platforms like CrazyVegas online casino. However, the line is blurred by the presence of ports – games that were originally featured on other consoles but have since been brought over to mobile. These can sometimes allow players to play older games they wouldn’t have access to on other consoles (like Knights of the Old Republic), or, in the case of multiplayer games with crossplay like Rocket League or Fortnite, it can help players to get involved with whatever games their friends play.

Avoiding Second Screening

Another way that mobile devices can often play into these experiences is through second screening. In this case, while you might be using your regular old TV setup to engage with your chosen form of media, you’re still spending a lot of time looking at your phone. This is sometimes something that feels hard to avoid, as phone use can become so habitual – providing instant gratification, in sharp contrast to longer scenes and moments that often require attention for longer before the pay-off comes.

However, if you make an effort to engage with movies and games on their own terms, with as much of your focus as possible, you might find that you’re able to better appreciate them in every single moment – and how all of the seemingly insignificant elements come together to form the greater whole.