How to Set Up a Magento 2 Multi-Store: A Comprehensive Guide

Magento 2’s multi-store feature is a powerful tool for businesses looking to manage multiple storefronts from a single Magento installation. This capability is ideal for businesses with multiple brands, targeting different markets, or offering a variety of products under distinct identities.

Setting up a multi-store environment in Magento 2 involves a series of steps, including creating websites, stores, and store views. This guide provides an overview of how to set up a Magento 2 multi-store effectively.

Step 1: Understanding the multi-store structure

Magento 2 uses a hierarchical structure that consists of Websites, Stores, and Store Views. Understanding this structure is crucial before starting the setup process.

  • Websites: The highest level in the hierarchy. Each website can have its own domain and configuration settings.
  • Stores: Each website can contain multiple stores. Stores share the same product catalog but can have different category structures.
  • Store views: Each store can have multiple store views, which are typically used for different languages or regional settings.

Step 2: Planning your multi-store setup

Before configuring your multi-store, plan how you want to structure your websites, stores, and store views.

  • Determine your requirements: Identify how many separate storefronts you need and whether they require different domains, products, or customer bases.
  • Decide on domain structure: Decide whether you will use separate domains, subdomains, or subdirectories for your different stores. This decision will affect your SEO and branding strategy.

Step 3: Creating additional websites

To start setting up your multi-store, you need to create additional websites within the Magento admin panel.

  • Access the admin panel: Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel.
  • Navigate to store configuration: Go to Stores > Settings > All Stores.
  • Create new websites: Click on Create Website and fill in the required information, such as the name and code for the new website. Save your changes.

Step 4: Adding stores to each website

Once you have created additional websites, the next step is to create stores under each website.

  • Create new stores: In the All Stores section, click on Create Store. Select the website you just created from the dropdown menu. Enter the name and select the root category for the store. Save your changes.

Step 5: Setting up store views

Store views allow you to provide different language options or regional settings for a store.

  • Create new store views: In the All Stores section, click on Create Store View. Select the store you just created from the dropdown menu. Enter the name and code for the store view, and set the status to enabled. Save your changes.

Step 6: Configuring URLs for each store

Each store in your multi-store setup needs a unique URL. This can be managed through your domain configuration and the Magento admin panel.

  • Set base URLs: In the Magento admin panel, go to Stores > Configuration > General > Web. Select the appropriate store view from the Store View dropdown. Enter the base URL for the store in the Base URLs and Base URLs (Secure) sections. Save your changes and clear the cache.

Step 7: Customizing each store

Each store can have its own theme, products, and configurations, allowing for a tailored shopping experience.

  • Themes: Assign different themes to each store view by navigating to Content > Design > Configuration and selecting the store view you want to customize.
  • Products and categories: Manage which products and categories appear in each store through the Products menu. You can assign products to specific websites and create unique category structures for each store.
  • Store-specific settings: Customize settings such as currency, tax rates, shipping methods, and payment gateways for each store by selecting the appropriate store view in the Stores > Configuration menu.

Step 8: Testing your multi-store setup

Before going live, thoroughly test each store to ensure everything is configured correctly.

  • Access each storefront: Open the URLs for each of your stores and verify they are loading correctly.
  • Check store-specific settings: Ensure that products, categories, themes, and settings are correctly applied to each store.
  • Perform transactions: Test the checkout process on each store to confirm that payment and shipping methods work as expected.


Setting up a Magento 2 multi-store involves a series of steps, from creating websites, stores, and store views, to configuring URLs and customizing each store. This powerful feature allows businesses to efficiently manage multiple storefronts from a single admin panel, providing a streamlined and scalable solution for diverse eCommerce needs. By following this guide, you can successfully set up and manage a Magento 2 multi-store environment, ensuring each store operates smoothly and effectively.