Does a Blepharoplasty Surgery Last for an Entire Life? 

With age, the skin around our eyes sags, always making us look tired. Although there is nothing wrong with this, it can impact our confidence in many situations. Moreover, sagging eyelids also make a person look less approachable, which can affect you significantly if you like to socialize. 

So, what is the solution to this problem? Well, the answer is blepharoplasty surgery. This surgical procedure lifts the eyelids, making the person look fresh and young. But is blepharoplasty a lifelong solution, or do you need to treat it at regular intervals like Botox? In the article below, we will tackle all the doubts about blepharoplasty. 

What is Blepharoplasty? 

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that lifts the droopy eyelids of the individual. If you live in California, a blepharoplasty surgery can give you great results, as there are numerous professionals who specialize in the treatment. One can opt for Blapheroplasty in Orange County, which is offered by experienced and award-winning professionals for the best results and experience. 

The process involved in blepharoplasty is very simple in theory. Although surgery of any kind may feel daunting, you will be glad to know that the downtime in blepharoplasty is nominal, and you can get right back to your everyday routine with very few precautions in mind. 

So, the procedure begins with making a small incision in the upper eyelid to remove excess fat and skin, after which it is stitched back. Then it is time to tackle the lower eyelid. A similar procedure is followed here as well. A small incision is made below the lower eyelashes to remove any excess skin, fat, and muscles. Once the surgeon is satisfied with the result, the incision is closed.  

The main purpose of making a cut in the upper eyelid is to distribute or remove extra tissue to give a lifted effect to your eyes, and in the lower eyelid, the incision is made to remove eye bags. Now, you may think that it is a painful surgery, but here, beauty doesn’t come with pain. The surgeon injects a numbing agent into the area to make sure you feel no discomfort while the procedure takes place. 

What is the Downtime for Blepharoplasty? 

There is a nominal downtime for blepharoplasty. However, you may experience blurry vision right after the procedure due to the ointment that is used. 

Once the surgeon is done with the procedure, the patient is advised to stay for some time in the clinic, where the staff monitors them. After the staff is satisfied with your recovery post-surgery, they give you a “green signal,” and you can return home. After reaching home, here are some of the safety precautions that you need to follow: 

  1. Don’t engage in physically straining activities for at least 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, and give your body time to heal. 
  2. Wear sunglasses after the surgery as your eyes may be sensitive to the UV rays. 
  3. If you have a habit of wearing contact lenses, stop for at least two weeks after surgery. 
  4. Keep your head slightly elevated while sleeping, as it will help reduce swelling of the surgical sites. 

How Long Do the Effects of Blepharoplasty Last? 

Blepharoplasty has minimal downtime; with some precautions, a person can immediately resume life post-surgery. However, one should remember that the effects don’t last for a lifetime. 

Aging is a natural process, and getting eyelift surgery can’t stop that. However, the results do last for a long time, usually five to several years. Moreover, there have been cases where the effects have also lasted for a lifetime when done by an experienced professional. 


Aging is a natural phenomenon, and there is no way we can stop it. However, there are ways to alter the signs of aging, one of which is getting blepharoplasty surgery. The surgery improves the appearance of sagging and aging eyes, making the person look youthful and attractive. So, if you are feeling conscious about your appearance, you can opt for a blepharoplasty from an experienced professional today!