Dealing With Stress at Work

Even if you love your job, stress can creep up on you. Workplace stress has been steadily increasing over the past few decades.

Stress can seriously impact your job performance and how much you enjoy what you are doing. For many Australians, workplace stress is just part of the workday and carries over into their personal and family lives.

It might seem that managing stress in the workplace is only for the employee, but the fact is that reducing stress requires an approach that involves both employers and employees. Employers can implement employee assistance program that give their employees an outlet for support and motivation.

Pre-Work Ritual

When you arrive at work already stressed, you are likely to react poorly to anything that happens in the workplace.

Getting the kids off to school, dealing with traffic and road rage, and skipping a healthy breakfast all contribute to stress before you even arrive at work. When you start the day off with exercise, some time to reflect on your day and what is to come, and getting into a positive frame of mind can make all the difference. You’ll find the stress of the job doesn’t affect you and you are better able to deal with daily challenges.


If your job requirements or daily objectives are unclear that can lead to stress. Not knowing what is expected of you, or if your duties keep changing with little notice you can become stressed.

If you find you aren’t sure exactly what is expected of you, it may help to discuss it with your supervisor. Take the time to go over your job expectations and strategies for how you can meet them. Most supervisors and employers are happy to clear up any misunderstandings and help you improve your performance and productivity.

Difficult Colleagues

This can be one of the most challenging situations to deal with. It is unlikely that everyone you meet in your work career is a wonderful person who has your best interests in mind. Workplace jealousy and infighting abound.  

Be aware of how you react to difficult people. Before responding, take a moment to think things through. This can help you respond calmly and thoughtfully. Staying calm is the best thing you can do. It isn’t always easy but you can learn how to do it.

Focus on your work and stay professional. Avoid gossip and rumours. Set and maintain boundaries to let your fellow employees know you aren’t interested in petty office politics. Don’t be a pushover, politely and firmly hold your ground. If you do your fellow workers are more likely to come to respect you.

If things seem to be beyond your control, reach out to an Employee Assistance Program. They can help talk you through difficult situations and work out sensible steps to alleviate bad situations.

Take A Walk

If your schedule allows for it, try taking a walk at lunchtime. This helps you extrovert your attention and blow off steam. It might lift your mood and help you get in better shape. It’s a great habit to get into.